Sony is expected to reveal the PS5 Pro during its upcoming State of Play event. The company is reportedly planning a presentation for next month, where it will showcase its upcoming games. The last State of Play took place in May and featured 14 games for the PS5 and PS VR2, including the highly anticipated Astro Bot. While Sony may not have any major first-party games to announce, the next event could offer new trailers and release dates for previously announced titles.
This information comes from Jeff Grubb of Giant Bomb, who has a reliable history of providing accurate updates from the gaming industry. According to Grubb, Sony will likely hold a State of Play in September. He hinted that the event might not be a full Showcase but should still happen by the end of the month.
The presentation could include updates on both first-party and third-party games. There’s also speculation that Sony might unveil the PS5 Pro, rumored to launch by the end of 2024. Grubb mentioned that he’s unsure if the PS5 Pro will be revealed at the event, but it seems like a logical place for the announcement.
Rumors and leaks about the PS5 Pro have been circulating for months. Although Sony hasn’t confirmed the existence of a Pro version, industry insiders believe it’s in development. If the console is on the way, the September State of Play could be the perfect time for Sony to officially reveal it before its anticipated release later this year.
According to leaks, the PS5 Pro is expected to feature upgraded system memory, faster CPU clock speed, and a more powerful GPU. Documents that allegedly detail the console’s specs suggest it will focus on improved ray tracing performance, with the PS5 Pro’s GPU rendering being about 45% faster than the standard PS5.
Meanwhile, Sony is preparing to launch its next first-party game, Astro Bot, on September 7. The game, which follows 2020’s Astro’s Playroom, will offer a full experience with over six galaxies and more than 80 levels to explore. Astro Bot was first revealed at Sony’s May State of Play, where the company also announced several upcoming PS5 and PS VR2 games and confirmed a PC port for God of War Ragnarök.