Gigabyte has introduced its AORUS gaming monitors in India, launching two new models designed for gamers. The models, FO32U2P and FO27Q3, feature OLED displays and offer gaming-specific features like a Tactical Resolution Switch and refresh rates of up to 360Hz. Both monitors also include AI-powered features that help protect the OLED screens from damage.
With the addition of these monitors, Gigabyte now offers a total of 17 gaming monitors in India, providing gamers with a wide range of options to choose from.
The AORUS FO32U2P is priced at Rs. 1,34,499, while the FO27Q3 is available at Rs. 86,999. Both models will be available for purchase starting in September through Gigabyte’s website and authorized retail channels across the country.
The AORUS FO32U2P comes with a 32-inch OLED display and supports DisplayPort 2.1 (UHBR20), which enables it to display uncompressed 4K images at 240Hz. According to Gigabyte, this monitor delivers 80 Gbps of bandwidth without needing Display Stream Compression (DSC). It also supports Daisy Chain functionality, allowing gamers to reduce cable clutter and use multiple displays. Additionally, it includes a Tactical Switch for easy access to various settings and has received the Red Dot Design Award for its design and functionality.
The AORUS FO27Q3, on the other hand, features a 27-inch QD-OLED 10-bit display with Quad-HD resolution and a 360Hz refresh rate. It is certified with DisplayHDR True Black 400, has a 0.03 ms gray-to-gray (GTG) response time, and covers 99 percent of the DCI-P3 color gamut.
Both monitors are equipped with AI-powered OLED care features like Pixel Clean, Static Control, Pixel Shift, and Sub-logo Dim, which help extend the life and performance of the OLED screens. Additionally, they come with Gigabyte’s Night Vision feature for enhanced visibility in low-light gaming conditions.