For the past four years, Notability has been my primary note-taking app, whether I was jotting down rough ideas or creating detailed study notes. Despite my ongoing frustration with its limited page customization options, I stuck with it because of its excellent audio recording feature, which was incredibly useful during lectures and classes.
However, after leaving medical school at the beginning of last year (2020), I found that Notability no longer served my needs as effectively. While I had been hoping for improved page customization, I was also waiting for the day when the handwriting experience in ZoomNotes would be good enough to make the switch from Notability.
A few days ago, I realized that day had finally come! While I still dislike ZoomNotes’ user interface, the handwriting experience has become so much better, and that’s the most important factor for me in choosing a handwriting note-taking app. No matter how many features an app has or how polished it looks, if the handwriting experience isn’t up to par, I won’t use it.
My current work requires various page templates and features that neither Notability nor GoodNotes can provide, making ZoomNotes the most logical choice for me now.
My medical school notes, along with their recordings, will remain in Notability. I still hope to finish my studies if the opportunity arises, as I do have a passion for medicine. But when I had to make the difficult decision to leave, I realized that my commitment to you all was even stronger. So, it was an easy choice in the end. In the meantime, I still review my medical notes whenever I can.